Wednesday, 10 August 2016

If you build it, they will come...

Last years effort 
So last year was the first year on our allotment and I was desperate to be as organic as possible and welcome the local wildlife in. I couldn't put a pond on my plot but I had a brainwave to dig down a hole and place an old washing up bowl, fill it with stones and water and surround it with wild flowers.  I had heard rumours of frogs and newts but I had never seen any and I was desperate to plant bits and pieces to feed the bees and other pollinators so they would visit my patch more.

Now, you can just about see where
the washing up bowl is (top left)
At the time my washing up bowl caused much amusement as people did not think it would work. Well it didn't, not that year anyway, but this year we have newts, a family of frogs and lots of other little guys visiting our plot and I couldn't be more excited! No one has moved into the hedgehog house yet but I am hopeful for the end of the year.


The rest of the plot is doing ok. The potatoes have really let us down this year, mainly I think because red ants decided to nest underneath them - which really wouldn't have helped. Runner and French beans however have been marvelous and we are pretty much eating beans with every meal as well as supplying my Mum and the neighbours. I have also started my Christmas hamper preparation and made a batch of Courgette & Runner Bean Chutney which is going to mature for at least four weeks before it gets the taste test and Rhubarb and Ginger Jam (although at the moment it doesn't taste like rhubarb or ginger and more like the lemons I used for pectin).

The sweetcorn is growing strong and the pumpkins are getting bigger and bigger. Strawberries have done well this year but we never seemed to get to them before everything else did. Brassicas have been a complete flop as usual, I may or may not give up on them next year - I haven't decided yet. Tomatoes are going great guns, we have had quite a few courgettes (some marrows from the ones I ignored) and a solitary cucumber.

I hope every thing is going well down on your plots.

Happy digging and lots of love,

Tracey xx

PS don't forget to put a dish of water out for the wildlife, especially in this hot weather, it will be much appreciated x

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