So yesterday was the first day I went to the allotment without my partner in crime and I was terrified. I sometimes lack self confidence so plucking up courage to go and work on the plot took quite a lot, as a newbie I am worried I will be watched and judged. Luckily no one was up there so I could rake the land and I even sowed my first veg, onions! It is peeing down today so I hope I haven't planted them too soon, however I only sowed three rows of onion sets as I am going to stagger them a bit. They were pretty easy, just pushed into the ground 4 inches apart, roots down.

My friend and experienced allotmenteer Jackie Pedley advised that I need to keep the cost of my allotment as low as possible. So for anyone who hasn't bought their onions yet, I got these sets from Lidl for 75p each!
Next Tuesday is St Patrick's Day and I have been told after then I can plant my potatoes so I will put my chitting ones in and then get a second crop in the window as preparation.
Early days but I can already feel the benefit it is having on my soul.
Much love and happy digging
Tracey xx
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