Friday, 20 March 2015

Heaven is a half plot (well a third plot if you want to be pedantic)

So this morning was the first time I made it to the allotment this week and it was a well needed retreat. Up with the lark this morning, the sun was shining and with only the birds for  company I got some Maris Piper spuds in. A little more tricky than I thought I as forgot Rhys took our spade home, so trying to dig a trench with a fork and a rake took a little longer but wasn't beyond the realms of possibility. 12 well chitted tats are now in plot 364a with soil mounted up to protect them from any further frosts we may have (I have heard if you plant them after St Patrick's Day you can't go far wrong). I have more chitting in the window at home, along with sweetcorn, toms and courgettes sitting in the propagators (only the courgettes have woken up so far).
We have also sowed some wild flower seed at the bottom of our plot and Rhys has brought us a lovely insect hotel to try and encourage the good bugs in, to combat the bad. Apparently in Summer we get a lot of newts round here, very exciting!

I also planted a rosemary, lavender and thyme plant in my little raised bed - I like planting established plants as you get the instant hit whilst waiting for everything else to grow. 

Did any one witness the eclipse on their allotment today? For me it just went a little dark and a lot colder. 

Been very down this week, but gardening therapy cheered me no end this morning. Ever think that modern life is making us sick? It would be lovely if we could all go back to being self sufficient in some way shape or form.  

Much love and happy digging 
Tracey xx

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