Sunday, 28 June 2015

As if by magic...

First potatoes - yum 
So you prep the ground, sow your seed potatoes and eventually some green foliage may grow. You earth it up and watch it grow through. Then you wait. There is a certain amount of skill to gardening and growing things but you really have to have a little faith too.

This is the first time I have ever attempted to grow potatoes and I really had no idea if it would work or not, ye of little faith eh? Only forked up one tuber so far and me and Rhys ate the tastiest new potatoes for tea that night. The thrill realising you actually get to eat some of what you grow (even when you can't see it growing) is just joyful. I say 'some' as you inevitably lose things to the creatures who love your plot as much as you do, I really don't mind sharing as long as I get some.  There also seems to be quite a smart pheasant (I say smart as they are usually quite stupid birds) who has sought sanctuary at the allotment, I have covered my strawberries over but left one or two plants out so he can help him self when he needs to.

We are also getting a few more sticks of Rhubarb, I have planted some sprouts and butternut squash.  We have been sharing the lettuce I sowed with Dolores and Ginger Rogers (the chickens) who seem to appreciate it even more than we do.

Round Courgette
The makings of the wildlife corner
I haven't been blogging much recently (probably because I have been a little down) and mentally I have been struggling, but as soon as I go to the allotment that seems to melt away for a little bit, I really would advise it for everyone. Lots of pictures here so you can see how everything is getting on.

I hope you are all well, I would love to see some pictures of your plots and gardens.

Happy digging and much love,
Tracey xx

Peas and Beans 

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