The Herb Garden |
Patience is not my strong point at all and there is nothing like a pain in the back to make you sit and wait, but the frustration builds up.
I have a bad back, which has probably come at the right time for the plot as I want to plant things out and there is still a good chance of frost (we had one last night), Rhys will weed for me but in terms of doing what I want to do I can't and I just have to wait.
Mid April (notice the bean canes are up) |
I have runner bean plants at home that are ready to run up the frame we have built for them but I believe it is just too soon. The sweetcorn I started wayyyyyy too early so I will have to resow that but for now I am laid up dreaming about my plot and looking at pictures.
Potatoes! |
One bit of good news though, the potatoes are poking through - thank goodness! You put them in the ground and you just have to have faith they will come and like magic they have! I will have to cover them over with more soil and compost soon to ensure the tubers aren't exposed to the sunlight (that makes them go green and inedible) and to ensure they keep producing. Poor Rhys will no doubt get roped in if my pain is no better, right now I can't even put my shoes on without help.
Wallace |
We also have an allotment gnome, yes yes I know, very cheesy! But Rhys hates gnomes and well truth be told, so do I. But when I was told I couldn't have one I felt the need to be defiant and my lovely friend Erica was the enabler (thank you Erica). Meet Wallace, he isn't so bad and scares the bugs away.
There is also the most beautiful Robin that comes to visit us, he is a little camera shy but as soon as I can convince him to stay still I will put up a picture. They really are lovely birds and I can see why they are referred to as "The Gardener's Friend".
Hope you are all well and back pain free!
Much love and happy digging
Tracey xx
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