Sunday, 15 November 2015

Everything changes...

It is amazing to see how the seasons have such an effect on such a small plot of land. Wonderful to watch nature do it's job, even if it means the weeds, mud and grass are a pain in the arse. I have to be honest the last couple of weeks I have neglected the plot. It has been miserable weather and I have been in a lot of pain and am awaiting surgery so it has been put slightly on the back burner.

Going up today I realised I still wasn't too far behind everyone else. It's all about tidying, composting, preserving and fertilizing. I have put cardboard down on certain parts to stop the weeds popping through too. Some bits are still growing; radishes, beetroot, baby carrots and spinach, but the peas had died a very sad death and with all this wind we decided to put the canes away till next year.

It all looks very green but there is still much work to be done. The raspberry bushes will need chopping down to about six inches high, the gooseberry bush needs the old wood cutting out of the middle and well the blackcurrants need something (I will need to look that one up). I need to dig up the strawberry plants and all the runners they have given me this year, weed in between and get them replanted.

Although I love Christmas and I have many home grown and home made chutneys and jams to give as presents, I will be thrilled to see Spring so the planning can begin.

For now, it is still standing and growing.

Much love and happy digging

Tracey xx