I thought I had better write a catch up post with an update on what has been happening on the plot over the last month. Well it feels like I haven't been doing much (I have been in a lot of pain and that has restricted me), however looking back there are bits and pieces to talk about.
The Autumn clear up is on the way, things are looking a little unkempt and I really need to get it ready for winter. Some things will be left in, like the odd parsnips and leek, onion sets have been put in to over winter, the spinach is still going strong and I am going to pop some garlic in too.
Beets and sweetcorn |

The courgettes are over and they served us really well, I think we need a break from them as we had to eat them with everything and although they have also made some chutney for Christmas I was running out of ideas. The squash on the other hand did rubbish, lovely big healthy plants but hardly any fruit and I believe that is down to the lack of sunshine this year (so Monty was telling me on Gardner's World). The sweetcorn hasn't been great but my chickens, Dolores and Ginger Rogers seem to enjoy them. The french and runner beans are over and in their place I have put some peas to over winter with a protective fleece around them, no idea how they will do but I will no doubt learn another lesson for next year. The raspberries are still coming at the moment and I have made the most wonderful raspberry jam (even if I do say so myself), incredibly easy to make and very tasty. I have quite a few punnets left in the freezer so I will be making a second batch for Christmas presents.
We dug most of the parsnips up and they have been cleaned, chopped, blanched and are in the freezer to for cosy roast dinners that winter seems to bring with it. The freezer is also brimming with damsons waiting to be jammed.
Hedgehog house |

The whole plot itself needs a ruddy good tidy up. The compost bin is brimming with leaves and foliage. I think we are going to cover most of the land with cardboard and then top it with manure, hopefully the weather will do the hard work for us and by spring it should be well fed earth that we can just turn over. The weeds and grass are popping up all over the show so we need a good clear up session, as well as digging the strawberry plants up and moving them elsewhere. The wildlife section needs reigning in a little and we have just placed a hedgehog house made by Rhys himself, so hopefully someone will have a nice little home before it gets too cold.
I hope you are all really well and still enjoying your plots, let me know what you have learnt this year :)
Much love and happy digging
Tracey xxx