My plot is doing well, we are still in abundance of courgettes, runner beans, beetroot and autumn raspberries which are just coming into their own. Rhys has made a lovely little path for me and is just finishing a hedgehog house to encourage the little guys and hopefully give someone a safe place for hibernating.

I have learnt that it is not only the vegetables and fruit that grow down the allotment, but also the ideas in my head. I have never been a fiction writer, but there was a cute little story that wouldn't leave me alone whilst I was tending to my weeds. I have written an introduction which is up on Kindle Amazon right now. This weekend you can download it for free, if you fancy giving it a read it will only take you about twenty minutes, please let me know what you think (in the most kindest way possible) and let me know if I should carry on with a Part 2. Don't take it too seriously and you may find the odd typo - like you would in any diary.
Arma-garden: The Diary of my Allotment During the Zombie Apocalypse (Part 1)

I am just about to make green tomato chutney with all the toms that never turned due to the lack of sun (the chutney is yummy so I really don't mind). I have pickled my beets and also made a tomato and courgette chutney.
Happy digging and much love
Tracey xx